March Roundup- Student Success & News!

March is out and April is in… It’s that time again where our team are rounding up the month and celebrating all of our fabulous students and their success within the industry. This term our students have been storming the auditions and gaining role after role with offers coming through our office every single day! … Read more

MJ Awards 2022

As part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations, we are hosting a red carpet style Awards Ceremony to celebrate the wonderful work of our amazing students on Saturday 9th April 2022

Our Voice, Our Journey – an Online Performance

Written by 2020’s Mark Jermin Monologue Slam Winner Cam Hill, here are the current students from MJ Virtual Thursdays as they present a piece entitled Our Voice, Our Journey.  For more information on our Virtual Classes, the Community and opportunities these students regularly get offered please visit the page.

Start your journey to being a star

Not sure where to go first? Get started by completing our new students form and we’ll recommend the best first steps to develop your skills and build your career.