Summer School 2025

At MJ HQ Venue No.1, Swansea

Running from Monday 11th – Thursday 14th August 2025

4 Days to of triple threat training in Performing Arts, heaps of fun and creativity as well as making new friends and growing in confidence!

Bookings now open! Book your space below 👇

An unforgettable week of fun and confidence building in Swansea

Calling all actors and performers aged 8-18 – this one’s for you 👇

What to expect

This course runs Monday to Thursday and will host all the usual MJ Singing, Dancing and Acting training. Our team will also be bringing the fun each day with a unique activity, outing, make and do or special surprise!

Expert coaches

Leading this Summer course is Mark and Nia Jermin. They'll coach and mentor daily, liaising with Mark Jermin Management and providing plenty of entertainment for an amazing week!

Iconic MJ location

Join us at Swansea’s newest Arts and Creative Hub: Venue No.1 in Swansea! Explore the facilities including 6 open plan studios, industry professional casting suite, recording studio, Venue No.1’s Studio Theatre and more.

Booking Open for Swansea Summer School 2025

Our popular Swansea Summer School is back! This year the team return with a brilliant line up of training and creativity at our very own studios, agency and Theatre: Venue No. 1 Swansea.

 Running from Monday 11th to Thursday 14th August.

Secure your place today with a £65 deposit, and get ready for a brilliant week of triple threat training for August 2025

Book Your Place

Use the Book Your Place button below to book your space at our Swansea Summer School Spectacular. 

You can pay a deposit of just £65 today to secure your place, then pay the remainder at a later date (£120) or in two instalments (£60). Alternatively you can pay in full now.

Swansea Summer School FAQs

Click to view all the info 👇

Each day will start with a daily warm up, games and fun exercises. Students will be split into age groups and will work on various material, play games, partake in exercises as well as outings and surprises. 

The daily running times of the course are 09.30am – 4.30pm with a 45-minute lunch break each day.

Staff will be on site at Venue No.1 if parents did wish to drop off from 08.30am. This early drop off is optional to help parents out. Students will be supervised between 08.30 and 9.30am

The timetable of each day is going to differ, but the aim is to follow the below schedule: 

  • 09.30– 09.35: Arrive, daily sign in,
  • 09.35 – 09.50: Company croup exercise and warm up
  • 09.50 – 11.05: Morning Class 1
  • 11.05 – 11.15 BREAK / MOVE TO NEXT CLASS
  • 11.15– 12.45 Morning Class 2
  • 12.45 – 13.30 LUNCH 
  • 13.30 – 14.55 Afternoon Class 1
  • 14.55 – 15.05 BREAK / MOVE TO NEXT CLASS
  • 15.05 – 16.15 Afternoon Class 2
  • 16.15 – 16.30 Company show and tell, recap of the day, reminders for next day

We have attempted to plan and prepare a schedule, however some things are subject to change or be amended and staff will inform students and parents if needed.

There will be regular breaks throughout the day. No Student is to leave the premises during lunch or any other breaks, unless specifically requested by Parents. 

If you have a request to collect a student early, or wish for them to leave during lunch, all requests must be made in writing and sent to [email protected] prior to the start of the course.

We will loosely themed the MJ  Summer School with daily themes for inspiration on the activities for that day. Our team will provide an array of material for the students to learn as well as fun theatrical-based activities for more “down time”. 

We ask in advance that Students throw themselves into each theme and possibly bring anything that they have from home that could aid them with characters (in terms of props and costume from home).

Please don’t worry if you’re unable to bring anything with you, our team will be able to accommodate with props and content within the classes

Our themes will be sent to enrolled students closer to start date of the course!

Just yourself and your personality! But here is a mini checklist to help make your experience even better: 

  • Comfortable clothing that you can easily move in 
  • Anything that you have at home which may be inspired from the daily theme (info to be supplied to enrolled students) 
  • A water bottle – this is essential to help students keep hydrated (that can be refilled at designated points within the premises)
  • Note pad 
  • Pencil / pen / highlighter 
  • Folder to keep any scripts / notes in  
  • A phone or device that you can record direction / intonation / accents / vocals on. 
  • Any medication / cautionary medical items (asthma pumps / ventilators, epi pens etc) 
  • Packed lunch 
  • Additional snacks for breaktimes
  • Any money you may need should you wish to purchase anything from the tuck shop or café 
  • The team at Mark Jermin will be following all Health and Safety rulings within Venue No.1’s policies and following the protocol in place to ensure that students are always kept safe when in our care.
  • A full list of rules and Health and Safety guidelines will be sent out and included in our Info Pack ahead of attending the course.
  • If any student feels unsafe or unwell during the course, please inform a staff member who has a duty of care to ensure we contact parents. No medical treatment will be given without consent.
  • Please don’t send your child if they are feeling unwell.
  • Each Student will have access to all MJ staff members for the week as their “go to persons” mentors, helpers, and chaperones.
  • Our team are very experienced in looking after students. Should any student be unhappy or have any issue no matter how big or small during the week, they must feel like they can speak to any staff member who will do all they can to rectify and aid any situation. Further matters and issues can be taken to Senior Staff members and any parental queries or issues can also be put in writing if needed.
  • If anyone is to have any injuries or accidents whilst on site, our team will be hands on along with the staff at Venue No.1 to deal and help with this. We ask parents to notify us of any medical conditions following your booking. 
  • If any Parent needs to contact our team during the week for any concern or query, email is our preferred method of contact and the inbox that will be consistently answered will be [email protected]
  • However, if you need to get in touch with our team in the form of an Emergency you are welcome to contact the team on the office 01792 458855 option 2
  • We’d also like to make students aware that there is good Phone Signal on site at Venue No.1 and all students are also welcome to use the public Wi-Fi so that students can still be reachable and make calls and send messages home via online services such as WhatsApp instead for the duration of the week.

Book Your Place

Use the Book Your Place button below to book your space at our Swansea Summer School Spectacular. 

You can pay a deposit of just £65 today to secure your place, then pay the remainder at a later date (£120) or in two instalments (£60). Alternatively you can pay in full now.

Start your journey to being a star

Not sure where to go first? Get started by completing our new students form and we’ll recommend the best first steps to develop your skills and build your career.